jeudi 5 décembre 2013

Heinekein & Design

Contrary to Desperados and its range of different flavors, Heineken bets on its unique recipe, the same since 1813! Out of question to change a recipe which works, Heineken simply develop its beer under different formats:
  • ·      Classic bottles of 25cls, 33cls, 56cls and 1L
  • ·      Cans of 33cls and 50cls,
  • ·      Barrels of 5Liters,
  • ·      And 3 “nonstandard” formats with:
A bottle of 15cls launched in 2006 for those who wish a smallest format for the aperitif for example

A “reclosable” bottle of 33cls that is easy to open, light, and unbreakable. This bottle adapts itself to the new ways to consume beer keeping the freshness and quality of the beer. (2011)

The limited edition bottles

Heineken therefore remains classic but for its 140th birthday, the brand organized a beer bottle creation contest. Firstly, it was a limited edition in partnership with Metronomy (an electronic music group). The aim was to create a design related to the sound. You can watch the video below to understand how you create shapes and designs thanks to sounds.

Lien de la vidéo:

It then becomes a creation contest between Heineken facebook fans. You could design your own bottle and win it gathering the biggest amount of votes…!

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